Fear the Threepers

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

If you have not harmed anyone with a "weapon", where is the crime?

Anything can be used as a weapon, a knife, a baseball bat, a sharpened toothbrush handle (a shiv), a rock, a fallen tree branch, a gun, a hammer...you get the point, pun intended. I did not link to the gun being used as a weapon because the MSM has already drilled that point home, but there is another side to that story. I digress; there was an arrest not far from my place of residence (maybe a 20-30 minute drive, depending on traffic) of a

Man arrested for having spear gun, knife and nunchucks

Granted, it appears that this guy may be guilty of filing a false report and may have been under the influence of methamphetamines; but what is illegal about having a spear gun or a large hunting knife? Why are nunchucks a restricted item when a baseball bat or short length of iron pipe could do more damage? Are Chinese throwing stars restricted as well? If so, why aren't circular saw blades restricted? I mean they are like shuriken on crack...
I may lose credibility for seeming to defend a tweeker, but I am merely trying to point out that it would seem that the unwashed masses are prone to a more vigorous attempt to find charges to file against than say, the Only Ones when they act up.
All jokes aside, this guy may have been a dirtbag, but I'm sure if he was indeed a drug addict they cops could have found enough evidence to arrest him on drug charges. Then again, adrenaline is a hell of a wild ride and if this guy had someone pointing a gun in his face moments earlier, he may have seemed to be erratic and spun out; devil's advocate speaking here.
Why is it that We the People may not have weapons without the Master's approval? This is a rhetorical question of course for I could care less what Master has to say about it. Seriously though, why do you suppose they would place more emphasis on restricting two sections of wooden rod connected by a chain than they do for lengths of rope or laptop computers? This just gets more ridiculous by the minute!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

How many more candlelight vigils?

At what point do We the People see the duck quacking and walking in a duck-like fashion before we declare it to be a duck? Seriously? Stories like this are more than abundant, they are commonplace. Apparently the suspect in question was at another apartment...so as for the 7 year old girl whose life has been extinguished so abruptly, what apologies are worthy enough? For the family of this child, what will make them healed of their pain? Keep in mind, this is Detroit, Michigan; a city that has always been plagued with crime, but now suffers from the aftermath of a Depression and is a crime-ridden ghost town.
So, imagine, you are sleeping soundly and hear a loud bang followed by an intense flash of light and hurried, aggressive footsteps accompanied by the unfamiliar shouting voices of hostile men. Maybe you register the "police" part of their vociferous expression, maybe you don't; but at nearly 1 AM you probably aren't very trusting that the voices belong to police since you haven't done anything wrong. Now comes the hard part: if you were pulled over by one of these asshole, gung-ho, over-zealous cops in broad daylight when in fact you were speeding; of course you would comply and take the ticket and be as respectful as one can muster. What about in your own home when it is late at night and you have not done anything worthy of such an invasion? Do you reach for your firearm and target acquisition device and rain lead down like nobody's business on your foes?
I suggest the latter. If there is no good reason why police should be kicking down your door in the middle of the night (i.e.: have not murdered anyone, etc) you most certainly have a right to question the motives of anyone entering your home against your wishes...LEO or otherwise. I am not giving legal advice, I am giving plain old common sense advice. Criminals tend to strike at such hours; it would seem our Only Ones have adopted similar practices and are also looking for a moment of weakness and surprise of their target. Unless LEO knocks on my door and allows me to answer and likewise responds in a respectful fashion without holding a machine gun to my head or any of my family members heads, I will consider any invasion to be a threat in need of immediate elimination.
Too many Americans have allowed themselves to be indoctrinated into the Police State. I respect the good cops out there who truly serve and protect...I have their six whenever they need it. Crooked or otherwise overly-aggressive cops are just bullet magnets as far as I am concerned. I always feel the need to issue he caveat: I am not threatening anyone who isn't threatening me. That being said, fuck the cops who do not respect the position We the People have offered them. Not all sheepdogs have badges you know...and not all wolves are without badges.
Ultimately, there is yet another innocent victim who has perished as an Oops Police Action. A 7 year old girl this time (disgusting!), who's next? When and where do we draw the line?!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

You don't bring a knife to a gunfight.

I like me some Robert DeNiro, Jessica Alba, Danny Trejo...but this is utter and complete bullshit. If the movie wasn't about a subject so important to me, I would even want to see it; that is not the case though. The trailer seen here is for a movie called "Machete" which stars Danny Trejo as an assassin hired to kill American Senators who wish to deport illegal immigrants. This unofficial trailer was worked by the director specially for the website which hosted it as a Cinco de Mayo message for Arizona.

I got news for folks of this ilk, if you think you are going to outgun Americans who are against amnesty for illegals, think again. I am not opposed to LEGAL immigration practices; I am the product of such practices. I have no qualms with Mexicans or Guatemalans, etc., my daughter is about 1/4 Mexican and I have friends of Hispanic descent; I have also met many wonderful Mexican people. This isn't about hate, this is about doing things the right way. The inconvenient truth about illegal immigration is that most people who come here are lacking in education and quite impoverished; America cannot afford to provide welfare for these people. No free health care, no free food, no free housing, and no free education...nothing. Quite frankly, I wish these programs would simply disappear for all Americans. I have lived in a neighborhood mainly populated with illegals...I wonder how many of the bleeding heart liberals have ever been to one. Also, what about the massive increase in drug cartel violence in America as a result of our lax border policies? I have seen reports that Phoenix averages one cartel related kidnapping per day!

To all of the actors who participated in the filming of this movie, shame on you. If the intent of the trailer is to either intimidate or incense Americans against illegal immigration...well, pack a lunch and tie those shoelaces in double knots. This is one hornet's nest you don't wanna mess with homie.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Why peaceful protests do not work

First off, I am not condoning random anarchist-type violence (the young kids who think anarchy means destroying whatever they want to because it is fun). The video I link to here is of peaceful protester media who are doing no more than filming in advance of a planned G20 protest 2 months from now. The flaw in their plan is being so peaceful. Perhaps I should qualify something here before I continue: I do not claim to have ANY knowledge whatsoever of rights in Canada and in fact I have not made any attempt to learn what rights exist for citizens or visitors to Canada, as I don't really care. My general understanding is that Canada is not much different from the US relating to civil rights. Otherwise, I could give a rat's ass what the official laws are.

My point is simply this, if people can be arrested for innocuous activities such as filming during independent media reporting, why bother with peaceful protests? They were reporting that the "free speech zone" exists several blocks from the event they are protesting, why bother protesting at all? Furthermore, in my attempt to not succumb to the well-meaning intentions that so often lead to bullshit legislation, I recognize the freedom of speech of the scumbag protesters of US military casualties of war funerals. On private property, their rights end, but if they wish to spew forth their misguided and hateful venom, they may do so on public lands (at the expense of those they ridicule I might add) at their own peril.

Why hasn't the US government cracked down on the free speech of anti-war casualty protesters with the same vigor that they did for the criminal banksters during the Pittsburgh G20 Summit? Is freedom of speech limited to anti-American rhetoric only and banned for those protesting globalism? Personally, I'd like to beat the skulls in of every person who protests outside a US soldier's funeral just because they hate gay people; but at the same time, I feel far more anger towards federal, state, and city government that would allow such violations of civil liberties and such abuse of power. Granted, the G20 may be in Toronto this year and perhaps Canada does not grant Liberty to its people, but ultimately freedom becomes the responsibility of those to claim to have it. If you do not have it you must take it back!!! It is our right as human beings to be free...declaring freedom is one thing, living freely is another. I refuse to ever be arrested for anything I KNOW was not a crime without hearty resistance. Additionally, my free speech zone exists in a sphere around me that travels with me and encompasses an area equivalent to the distance my voice can carry with or without electronic assistance. I choose to exercise it whenever I see fit and I will resist violently if I am met with force for doing so. I encourage others to adopt a similar policy, of course personalized for their own use. At some point in time or another, We the People need to pull our heads out of our asses and realize we are on our own. Forget your party affiliation and stop counting on big brother to pull you through...live and let live. If you encounter something you cannot abide, DEAL WITH IT! If you cannot deal with it, seek assistance from a friend...stop asking for legislation to cure ever single damned flaw of human-kind! Government never solves problems, it just makes them more convoluted and requires more government to address the complications.

When the cops come dressed for battle to quell these peaceful protestors, the protest ends and people get arrested. Since nobody bothers to fight back or to actively resist, the police accomplish their mission and and their misguided belief that they are superior to the unwashed masses is reinforced. I would have loved to have seen buckshot take out an LRAD in Pittsburgh or people firing less-lethal munitions back at riot cops. It saddens me that we have been neutered on our path to becoming more "civilized" while the powers that encourage "civility" engage in brutal murder and pain compliance measures whenever possible.

SWAT the f*ck?

For those of you who have not yet seen the video of the SWAT home invasion of a Missouri family, please watch this and then read on...


We have all either said it or heard someone say it before, "Cops have a tough job. It is very dangerous. They never know when it might be their last day alive. They deal with the dregs of society." Of course, you might also say, "The family shouldn't have had drugs in their house. That's what happens when you break the law. There's probably something that you didn't see in the footage." I find this to be an inexcusable use of force, period.

I do not know what happened to society-at-large which has rendered our collective ass to that of complacent, bleating sheep; a society which will try to make excuses for this travesty or who will dismiss it as an unfortunate event far from home and quite soon forget about it. I have my ideas about where things went wrong with us, but I'll save that for another post. The cases of police brutality, excessive use of force, and the militarization of our police force are so rampant and the responses to these perversions of Liberty are ceremonial at best. Why do we have such a reverence for police officers? Is it because they do a job that Joe Six Pack dares not do? Is it because of their polite and courteous demeanor when interacting with the public? Or, perhaps, is it because we are afraid of them?

During my membership (and subsequent leadership position) with Oath Keepers, I received a link to a Blog which told a parable about how criminals are wolves and the citizenry are sheep and how LEOs are sheep dogs. You see, wolves have sharp teeth and they eat/scare the sheep. Sheep dogs have sharp teeth too and they scare the sheep but protect them from the wolves. This makes sense on the surface and is maybe even a cute analogy for those who lack awareness of the world around them and critical thinking skills. Far too many of these "sheep dogs" are merely wolves in sheep dog's clothing. I blame society for losing their sense of self-preservation and I blame the cops for losing their sense of honor and service to the public. These "Only Ones" (a reference to David Codrea's Blog, The War on Guns) care far more about their jack-booted brethren than they ever will about We the People.

Given that this video shows a search warrant being served and all that was found was a very small amount of marijuana for the homeowner's personal use, let's weigh out whether such actions were worth the outcome...dead dogs, permanently traumatized kids and grossly mistreated citizens VS a misdemeanor marijuana bust. Must I go any further? So herein lies the problem: in a perfect world, the police would have announced that they had a warrant to search the premises and the homeowner would have courteously obliged; this, however is not a perfect world and that is not what happened. The homeowner could have fought back using his own firearms (assuming he owns any). We know what would have happened had this occurred, so what is the answer to this dilemma?

Until We the People wake up out of our stupor and begin to care more about the world around us, nothing will ever change. In fact, things will continue to degenerate into an even more perfect replica of an Orwellian 1984. I, for one, will never tolerate such treatment. Any warrants served to me will be regarded with the level of respect shown to me; I am no threat unless I am being threatened, in which case I will respond with unbridled fury and I have guns too. If I am allowed to retain my dignity and I am being treated with respect, I will certainly peacefully cooperate...assuming that there is a valid warrant specifically detailing what is being searched for.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Tyranny's Bane - The Maiden Voyage

I must confess that I know very little about this phenomenon known as "blogging". From what I have seen thus far, it can be anything from someone's online journal to a specialized topic discussion. My intent in forming this Blog, assuming that someone other than myself will be reading it, is to have an avenue to vent my frustrations with the egregious defiling of this Republic and of our civil liberties. My hope is that some fruitful debate/conversation will come of it.
My writing style varies depending on the mood I am in; which is to say, some days my writings will be scattered and convoluted while other days I will produce a literary masterpiece amongst the blogosphere. I am an extremely opinionated person and I believe in Liberty in the most literal sense of the word. I am a former Republican, registered Libertarian, and recently coming to terms with the fact that I am quite likely a closet minarchist.
What you can expect to see from this Blog is links to news articles or opinions related to tyranny, the police state, big brother, taxation, illegal immigration, the New World Order (grab yer tin foil hats), various politicians (Republiturds and Demoncrats alike) being douche bags, Three Percenters, Oath Keepers, the sheer stupidity of political correctness, guns, survival, economic collapse, militias, Libertarianism, Ron Paul, the Constitution, our Founding Fathers, Liberty, moral issues for the non-religious, and other various and sometimes uncomfortable topics. I will likely often link to the Sipsey Street Irregulars, War on Guns, and The Armed Citizen sites; additionally, I will cite certain MSM stories, YouTube videos, InfoWars/Prison Planet, or any other alternative news source I deem more reliable than FOX, CNN, or MSNBC.
At some point or another, I am going to piss someone off; that is okay, as it occurs often enough in my "real life" interactions. Share your thoughts in a manner as rational as you can pull off and all will be fine.