Fear the Threepers

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Tyranny's Bane - The Maiden Voyage

I must confess that I know very little about this phenomenon known as "blogging". From what I have seen thus far, it can be anything from someone's online journal to a specialized topic discussion. My intent in forming this Blog, assuming that someone other than myself will be reading it, is to have an avenue to vent my frustrations with the egregious defiling of this Republic and of our civil liberties. My hope is that some fruitful debate/conversation will come of it.
My writing style varies depending on the mood I am in; which is to say, some days my writings will be scattered and convoluted while other days I will produce a literary masterpiece amongst the blogosphere. I am an extremely opinionated person and I believe in Liberty in the most literal sense of the word. I am a former Republican, registered Libertarian, and recently coming to terms with the fact that I am quite likely a closet minarchist.
What you can expect to see from this Blog is links to news articles or opinions related to tyranny, the police state, big brother, taxation, illegal immigration, the New World Order (grab yer tin foil hats), various politicians (Republiturds and Demoncrats alike) being douche bags, Three Percenters, Oath Keepers, the sheer stupidity of political correctness, guns, survival, economic collapse, militias, Libertarianism, Ron Paul, the Constitution, our Founding Fathers, Liberty, moral issues for the non-religious, and other various and sometimes uncomfortable topics. I will likely often link to the Sipsey Street Irregulars, War on Guns, and The Armed Citizen sites; additionally, I will cite certain MSM stories, YouTube videos, InfoWars/Prison Planet, or any other alternative news source I deem more reliable than FOX, CNN, or MSNBC.
At some point or another, I am going to piss someone off; that is okay, as it occurs often enough in my "real life" interactions. Share your thoughts in a manner as rational as you can pull off and all will be fine.

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