Fear the Threepers

Sunday, May 16, 2010

How many more candlelight vigils?

At what point do We the People see the duck quacking and walking in a duck-like fashion before we declare it to be a duck? Seriously? Stories like this are more than abundant, they are commonplace. Apparently the suspect in question was at another apartment...so as for the 7 year old girl whose life has been extinguished so abruptly, what apologies are worthy enough? For the family of this child, what will make them healed of their pain? Keep in mind, this is Detroit, Michigan; a city that has always been plagued with crime, but now suffers from the aftermath of a Depression and is a crime-ridden ghost town.
So, imagine, you are sleeping soundly and hear a loud bang followed by an intense flash of light and hurried, aggressive footsteps accompanied by the unfamiliar shouting voices of hostile men. Maybe you register the "police" part of their vociferous expression, maybe you don't; but at nearly 1 AM you probably aren't very trusting that the voices belong to police since you haven't done anything wrong. Now comes the hard part: if you were pulled over by one of these asshole, gung-ho, over-zealous cops in broad daylight when in fact you were speeding; of course you would comply and take the ticket and be as respectful as one can muster. What about in your own home when it is late at night and you have not done anything worthy of such an invasion? Do you reach for your firearm and target acquisition device and rain lead down like nobody's business on your foes?
I suggest the latter. If there is no good reason why police should be kicking down your door in the middle of the night (i.e.: have not murdered anyone, etc) you most certainly have a right to question the motives of anyone entering your home against your wishes...LEO or otherwise. I am not giving legal advice, I am giving plain old common sense advice. Criminals tend to strike at such hours; it would seem our Only Ones have adopted similar practices and are also looking for a moment of weakness and surprise of their target. Unless LEO knocks on my door and allows me to answer and likewise responds in a respectful fashion without holding a machine gun to my head or any of my family members heads, I will consider any invasion to be a threat in need of immediate elimination.
Too many Americans have allowed themselves to be indoctrinated into the Police State. I respect the good cops out there who truly serve and protect...I have their six whenever they need it. Crooked or otherwise overly-aggressive cops are just bullet magnets as far as I am concerned. I always feel the need to issue he caveat: I am not threatening anyone who isn't threatening me. That being said, fuck the cops who do not respect the position We the People have offered them. Not all sheepdogs have badges you know...and not all wolves are without badges.
Ultimately, there is yet another innocent victim who has perished as an Oops Police Action. A 7 year old girl this time (disgusting!), who's next? When and where do we draw the line?!

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