Fear the Threepers

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

If you have not harmed anyone with a "weapon", where is the crime?

Anything can be used as a weapon, a knife, a baseball bat, a sharpened toothbrush handle (a shiv), a rock, a fallen tree branch, a gun, a hammer...you get the point, pun intended. I did not link to the gun being used as a weapon because the MSM has already drilled that point home, but there is another side to that story. I digress; there was an arrest not far from my place of residence (maybe a 20-30 minute drive, depending on traffic) of a

Man arrested for having spear gun, knife and nunchucks

Granted, it appears that this guy may be guilty of filing a false report and may have been under the influence of methamphetamines; but what is illegal about having a spear gun or a large hunting knife? Why are nunchucks a restricted item when a baseball bat or short length of iron pipe could do more damage? Are Chinese throwing stars restricted as well? If so, why aren't circular saw blades restricted? I mean they are like shuriken on crack...
I may lose credibility for seeming to defend a tweeker, but I am merely trying to point out that it would seem that the unwashed masses are prone to a more vigorous attempt to find charges to file against than say, the Only Ones when they act up.
All jokes aside, this guy may have been a dirtbag, but I'm sure if he was indeed a drug addict they cops could have found enough evidence to arrest him on drug charges. Then again, adrenaline is a hell of a wild ride and if this guy had someone pointing a gun in his face moments earlier, he may have seemed to be erratic and spun out; devil's advocate speaking here.
Why is it that We the People may not have weapons without the Master's approval? This is a rhetorical question of course for I could care less what Master has to say about it. Seriously though, why do you suppose they would place more emphasis on restricting two sections of wooden rod connected by a chain than they do for lengths of rope or laptop computers? This just gets more ridiculous by the minute!

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