Fear the Threepers

Friday, May 7, 2010

Why peaceful protests do not work

First off, I am not condoning random anarchist-type violence (the young kids who think anarchy means destroying whatever they want to because it is fun). The video I link to here is of peaceful protester media who are doing no more than filming in advance of a planned G20 protest 2 months from now. The flaw in their plan is being so peaceful. Perhaps I should qualify something here before I continue: I do not claim to have ANY knowledge whatsoever of rights in Canada and in fact I have not made any attempt to learn what rights exist for citizens or visitors to Canada, as I don't really care. My general understanding is that Canada is not much different from the US relating to civil rights. Otherwise, I could give a rat's ass what the official laws are.

My point is simply this, if people can be arrested for innocuous activities such as filming during independent media reporting, why bother with peaceful protests? They were reporting that the "free speech zone" exists several blocks from the event they are protesting, why bother protesting at all? Furthermore, in my attempt to not succumb to the well-meaning intentions that so often lead to bullshit legislation, I recognize the freedom of speech of the scumbag protesters of US military casualties of war funerals. On private property, their rights end, but if they wish to spew forth their misguided and hateful venom, they may do so on public lands (at the expense of those they ridicule I might add) at their own peril.

Why hasn't the US government cracked down on the free speech of anti-war casualty protesters with the same vigor that they did for the criminal banksters during the Pittsburgh G20 Summit? Is freedom of speech limited to anti-American rhetoric only and banned for those protesting globalism? Personally, I'd like to beat the skulls in of every person who protests outside a US soldier's funeral just because they hate gay people; but at the same time, I feel far more anger towards federal, state, and city government that would allow such violations of civil liberties and such abuse of power. Granted, the G20 may be in Toronto this year and perhaps Canada does not grant Liberty to its people, but ultimately freedom becomes the responsibility of those to claim to have it. If you do not have it you must take it back!!! It is our right as human beings to be free...declaring freedom is one thing, living freely is another. I refuse to ever be arrested for anything I KNOW was not a crime without hearty resistance. Additionally, my free speech zone exists in a sphere around me that travels with me and encompasses an area equivalent to the distance my voice can carry with or without electronic assistance. I choose to exercise it whenever I see fit and I will resist violently if I am met with force for doing so. I encourage others to adopt a similar policy, of course personalized for their own use. At some point in time or another, We the People need to pull our heads out of our asses and realize we are on our own. Forget your party affiliation and stop counting on big brother to pull you through...live and let live. If you encounter something you cannot abide, DEAL WITH IT! If you cannot deal with it, seek assistance from a friend...stop asking for legislation to cure ever single damned flaw of human-kind! Government never solves problems, it just makes them more convoluted and requires more government to address the complications.

When the cops come dressed for battle to quell these peaceful protestors, the protest ends and people get arrested. Since nobody bothers to fight back or to actively resist, the police accomplish their mission and and their misguided belief that they are superior to the unwashed masses is reinforced. I would have loved to have seen buckshot take out an LRAD in Pittsburgh or people firing less-lethal munitions back at riot cops. It saddens me that we have been neutered on our path to becoming more "civilized" while the powers that encourage "civility" engage in brutal murder and pain compliance measures whenever possible.

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