Fear the Threepers

Sunday, May 9, 2010

You don't bring a knife to a gunfight.

I like me some Robert DeNiro, Jessica Alba, Danny Trejo...but this is utter and complete bullshit. If the movie wasn't about a subject so important to me, I would even want to see it; that is not the case though. The trailer seen here is for a movie called "Machete" which stars Danny Trejo as an assassin hired to kill American Senators who wish to deport illegal immigrants. This unofficial trailer was worked by the director specially for the website which hosted it as a Cinco de Mayo message for Arizona.

I got news for folks of this ilk, if you think you are going to outgun Americans who are against amnesty for illegals, think again. I am not opposed to LEGAL immigration practices; I am the product of such practices. I have no qualms with Mexicans or Guatemalans, etc., my daughter is about 1/4 Mexican and I have friends of Hispanic descent; I have also met many wonderful Mexican people. This isn't about hate, this is about doing things the right way. The inconvenient truth about illegal immigration is that most people who come here are lacking in education and quite impoverished; America cannot afford to provide welfare for these people. No free health care, no free food, no free housing, and no free education...nothing. Quite frankly, I wish these programs would simply disappear for all Americans. I have lived in a neighborhood mainly populated with illegals...I wonder how many of the bleeding heart liberals have ever been to one. Also, what about the massive increase in drug cartel violence in America as a result of our lax border policies? I have seen reports that Phoenix averages one cartel related kidnapping per day!

To all of the actors who participated in the filming of this movie, shame on you. If the intent of the trailer is to either intimidate or incense Americans against illegal immigration...well, pack a lunch and tie those shoelaces in double knots. This is one hornet's nest you don't wanna mess with homie.


  1. I agree. All this will serve to do is turn this situation into a bloodbath where many innocents will pay the price for those seeking to make a buck off a serious societal issue. The Mexicans will not prevail. There is way too much pent up hostility that will be unleashed if something like this ever comes into play.

  2. They will start it and we the TRUE AMERICAN's will fuck them up. We may even wipe their seed from this earth.....Bring it, mother fuckers....

  3. Note from the blogger:
    I agree wholeheartedly with the "fucking them up" part, however, I would be happy just to see their seed back n their side of the border :)


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